Grand Cordela Hotel AS Putra Kuningan

Grand Cordela Hotel AS Putra Kuningan is a modern 3-star hotel that provides high standard services and facilities for both business and leisure activities. The hotel is located in the heart of Kuningan City. Surrounded by various shops, Kuningan culinary centers and Kuningan Attractions. It is the perfect place for a staycation with 112 comfortable guest rooms featuring beautiful views of the city and Mount Ciremai, a restaurant, swimming pool, 2 meeting rooms and 1 ballroom suitable for travelers' preferences.

Melihat 56

Akomodasi information

Kategori Hotel Bintang III

Jl. Siliwangi No.91, Purwawinangun, Kec. Kuningan, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat 45511

Jam Oprasional Buka

00.00 S.d 24.00

Kapasitas Pengunjung 112

Fasilitas Bisnis Resepsionis Wi-Fi Gratis Kamar Bebas Rokok Kolam Kafe Sarapan Prasmanan Layanan Binatu

Sosial Media

Kamar yang Tersedia

 (0232) 872272


2.53 m/s
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